This year, the senior class took a missions trip together to Guadalajara Mexico. Each day, we did 2-3 programs, consisting of games, skits and dances. In the mornings, we served a community called "El Colli". A few nationals said that these people were sometimes dubbed "The Forgotten People". Our first Saturday, our ministry team handed out tracts and invited people to come to our program. I was so impressed with our students- they were so committed to making sure every kid had an invite. They went into the nooks and cranies of the neighborhood. Following that, we did 3 days of VBS and served over 150 kids each day. The "forgotten people" became the "never forgotten people" as we all got opportunities to etch their names on our shirts and their names on our shirts. These days in ministry had an impact on our lives that we will not soon forget.
Prior yearly mission trips included visits to: