Warriors In Action

If you see a need, take the lead

Faithful to the mission and goal that each student at LCA becomes the greatest person that he/she can become, we recognize that service to others is a key component to that achievement. Our community service program is our commitment to the command of the Gospel I John 3:17 "If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion--how can God's love be in that person?"

Community service is an essential element in the educational process and experience at LCA, and our intention and hope of fostering a life-long pattern of helping others.

​​​​​​​Life Center Academy requires each high school student to complete at least 130 cumulative hours of community service prior to graduation.

Total Hours








These community service hours will be calculated in their Study of Religion overall grade.

Each community service project to which a student commits themselves should reflect the goal of serving the disadvantaged, be it economically, physically, spiritually or developmentally. Projects may be done through the student's place of worship, community or civic organizations, or through other not for profit agencies. All service, including that done in school, must be documented using the "Community Service Report" form. This form can be downloaded from the school website. Submitting reports of service is the responsibility of the student and each teacher will have a deadline for forms to be submitted for credit towards required hours.

Our Middle School and Elementary grades also show our core value of service by working cooperatively in 1 class service project during the school year.

Service Hours Form

Students by the releif bus Students working the soup kitchen Students walking out food in the soup kitchen Students by the releif bus Students working the soup kitchen Students working the soup kitchen


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