Middle States Accredidation

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Life Center Academy is pleased to announce that the school has been granted full accreditation by the Middle States Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSCESS). The announcement was made by Dr. Bryan Sanders, Headmaster of Life Center Academy.

MSCESS accreditation signifies that the educational community of Life Center Academy has engaged in a rigorous process of developing self-knowledge; has hosted an evaluation team of independently-appointed educators; and has created an on-going strategic plan to move school improvement forward.

Accreditation also signifies that Life Center Academy has met the Middle States Standards for a quality school. These Standards reflect current research and best practices from throughout the education profession. This accreditation further illustrates Life Center Academy's commitment to the pursuit of excellence in the academic arena and the highest level of educational credibility.

For more information, contact us. Interested in applying to Life Center Academy? Start an online application today!


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