Financial Aid


Life Center Academy makes available need-based financial aid (Tuition Assistance) to help families fill the gap between the tuition expense and the family's ability to pay those costs. It is LCA's desire to provide tuition assistance to students in an effort to develop a student community that is representative of the cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity of our surrounding communities.

There are two programs available for tuition assistance at Life Center Academy:


This fund is established by our sponsoring church, Fountain of Life Center, and provides assistance to those families who could not otherwise afford to send their children to Life Center Academy. Provision is made on a case-by-case basis after reviewing financial need and available funds. LCA makes every attempt to assist those families who sincerely desire a Christian education for their children but cannot raise all the funds themselves. The available funds are used to aid qualifying families to meet tuition costs only. Parents/Guardians are responsible for application, registration, uniforms, and any other applicable fees. All awards are based on demonstrated need and are reviewed each year. Families of new and returning students at any grade level, where tuition constitutes over 10% of a family's income, may apply for financial aid.

A family must complete all the steps of the application process and the student must be accepted before they can apply for financial aid. The admission process and financial aid are two separate processes. Returning students must pay the registration fee for the coming school year, as well as any outstanding tuition before they are considered for financial aid. A student's financial need does not influence their admission or re-enrollment at Life Center Academy.

Life Center Academy depends on alumni, family, and friends for financial support. We therefore request that families applying for financial aid pursue assistance through their families, other scholarship funding, and make reasonable sacrifices to finance the education of their children. Students must be in good standing academically and behaviorally. All recipients of Financial Aid are expected to provide voluntary services that would support and promote LCA, including helping with school fundraisers.


Due to the generosity of donors, scholarships are awarded each year to students who demonstrate a financial need. These scholarships vary in amount. Criteria for awards are: achievement commensurate with ability, demonstration of Christian commitment, attitude and consistent positive behavior, school spirit, and enrollment for the following year. Recommendations for these awards come from local pastors, friends of LCA, classroom teachers and others. Recipients are ultimately selected by the school administration.

Current scholarships provided to students of Life Center Academy are:

Hannah's Heart - Hannah Cintron had a heart of gold.  With her passing, the Cintron family chose to honor her memory by instituting a scholarship to assist Life Center Academy families facing short term financial needs.  Their thoughtfulness has helped to keep students enrolled at Life Center Academy.  All four of the Cintron children graduated from Life Center Academy leaving behind a legacy of their strong commitment to caring for others.  We are honored that the Cintron family has chosen to enable others to attend Christian school by providing scholarships in honor of their beloved daughter and sister.

Warrior Alumni Scholarship - Established by alumni of Life Center Academy in appreciation for the education they received, LCA alumni and friends have created a fund to provide tuition assistance to children of LCA alumni.

Headmaster's Scholarship - Established by donations from the Headmaster, the faculty and staff along with others to provide tuition assistance to strong academic students who demonstrate a financial need that might otherwise prevent them from attending LCA.

Athletic Boosters Scholarship -  Established to support the LCA Athletic program. Donated funds are used to provide tuition assistance to LCA athletes.

Rashi "Rush" Khokhar Scholarship - Rush graduated from LCA in 2012. Working his way up from a low-income family, Rashi was a first-generation student who understood the impact of Christian education. He became a Pediatric nurse and was a loving father, brother, and son. He gave and served his family and community without asking for recognition or anything in return. His family has dedicated this scholarship in memory of him to anyone who comes from a low-income first-generation family desiring quality education founded in Biblical principles.


Applications should be submitted through FAST Management Company by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page. There is a fee payable through the online service. Financial aid applications should be submitted by April 15th for returning families and May 15th for new families.

Tuition assistance to families is based on financial need, which is determined by a thorough evaluative process beginning with your application through FAST- Financial Aid for School Tuition. FAST, created by Independent School Management, evaluates a family's ability to pay tuition based on a variety of factors. Among the factors considered are, income, net worth, housing costs, the number of children, and cost of living. Upon the FAST recommendation, Life Center Academy's Tuition Assistance Committee evaluates the recommended award based upon our applicant pool and available dollars.

If Life Center Academy provides a financial aid award, a letter will be sent with the amended amounts. A family that has been offered an award must accept the award by signing the amended financial statement within two weeks of receipt of the letter. LCA reserves the right to withdraw financial aid if the recipient's account is not paid on a current basis through the school year.
Life Center Academy will treat as confidential all financial information provided by families. The information will only be available to those people directly involved in the financial aid decision making process.

Life Center Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality or ethnic origin in administering its financial aid program.

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