Educational Objectives

Luke 2:41-52 records the only written account of Christ as a young person. Verse fifty two states that He grew in wisdom (mentally), stature (physically), and in favor with God (spiritually) and man (socially). The objectives of LCA are to provide means for the individual student to develop in these four areas.

  1. Mentally the student will be:
    • Encouraged to practice good health and eating habits and to use the body wisely as the temple of God.
    • Taught to develop a proper self-concept and appreciation of physical appearance and abilities as the predetermined design of God.
    • Cautioned to avoid alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, immorality and other behavior that destroys the body.
    • Challenged to pursue interests such as athletics that give wholesome fulfillment to physical drives during adolescence.
  2. Physically the student will be:
    • Encouraged to practice good health and eating habits and to use the body wisely as the temple of God.
    • Taught to develop a proper self-concept and appreciation of physical appearance and abilities as the predetermined design of God.
    • Cautioned to avoid alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, immorality and other behavior that destroys the body.
    • Challenged to pursue interests such as athletics that give wholesome fulfillment to physical drives during adolescence.
  3. Spiritually the student will be:
    • Invited to receive Jesus Christ as his/her personal Savior and Lord and follow Him as a disciple.
    • Directed to believe the Scriptures as God’s inspired, infallible Word.
    • Instructed to discover and follow God’s will as revealed in the Scriptures.
    • Challenged to develop a daily personal devotional life consisting of Scripture meditation and prayer that produces daily practical applications of Biblical Truth.
    • Encouraged to acquire values that have eternal significance.
    • Promoted to become involved in the ministry of a local church and assume leadership roles, as they become available.
  4. Socially the student will be:
    • Exposed to concepts of authority and self-discipline that acknowledges God as the ultimate authority.
    • Urged to follow the directives of parents as God’s special protectors of their future.
    • Challenged to follow Biblical guidelines for dating and marriage.
    • Guided to respect and show concern for others as objects of God’s love.
    • Cautioned to avoid harmful peer pressure, to develop proper friendships, and to make wise decisions regarding relationships.


January 19
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