About the Warrior Logo

Warriors Logo
The Life Center Academy Logo is the Warrior.

The Warrior stands ready for battle yet he is aware that his first objective is to stand guard. He guards what can come from without as well as what could arise from within. Knowing that his enemy is not flesh and blood but rather spiritual darkness he puts on the Full Armor of God as described in Ephesians 6: 10 - 18.

The Belt of Truth

This holds all of the armor together. It is the core of our belief.

The Breastplate of righteousness

Guards his heart and keeps his intentions honorable.

Feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace

Realizing that the Gospel means "Good News" The warrior is ever ready to stand his ground in defense or to press forward amidst adversity to spread the good news and the peace it provides to the soul.

The shield of Faith

The shield applies faith derived from the relationship he has established with God to annihilate the arrows of worldly enticement that would seek to derail God's plan for him.

The Helmet of Salvation

Guards the Warriors mind and keeps him purposely rooted in the assurance of the good news of the Gospel.

The Sword of the Spirit

The word of God is the sword of the spirit. God's word is the one weapon that the warrior carries. God's word conquers and deflates the evil desires and Godless thoughts that can come from within. It attacks doubt and false teaching as it is dispensed from without.

Although the warrior is vigilant staring straight ahead, not looking at the past, his head is slightly bowed in submission; prayerfully binding all of his armor together in service to his Lord.


January 19
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